Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chocolate Cookies-in-the-making

Chocolate cookie dough. It's more like brownie batter at this point, but I'm experimenting. Added cinnamon to one container and mint extract to another. Would have added orange extract except SOMEbody (so totally not me) put the bottle away empty, so I didn't realize I was out. 

The dough/batter is solidifying in the fridge over night. Can't wait to see how they turn out! 

Any other suggested additions to make a chocolate cookie even better? Walnuts? Orange peel? What do you think?

More pictures at my tumblr page.

Molasses Cookies

Flavorful and delicious molasses cookies. Spicy, soft and not too sweet. Perfect with a glass of milk!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Made some GORGEOUS molasses cookies. Put the photographs up on Facebook. I'll have to get a flickr account to put them up here, too.

I love making cookies. I want to make more, but I'm stuck eating what I make until I get some customers to buy them... so sad, I know.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Logo. First Attempt.

 I have my first experimental logo using origami flowers and a branch I picked up while walking a converted railroad path (6-mile walk that is!).
 It's a bit stark, but I kind of like it. I'll see what else I can come up with using the photos I have and various fonts.

 Thoughts? Is it readable enough?