Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On Brittle

 Long time no post, eh?

 Let's begin with a question: What is the single most annoying thing about brittles?

 Tell the truth now. I'm a big girl, I can take it.

 To me, the most annoying thing is that it goes sticky so quickly. I like it when candy can stick around a while. But brittle, after about a week and a half starts getting affected by the humidity. So you have to eat an ENTIRE pound of brittle inside a week. While some might not see this as a bad thing, I like my candy in moderation.

 So what can we do about this?

 I'm glad you asked!

 Experiments have begun (pictures to follow shortly) to determine the best way to preserve brittle sans preservatives. That's right, Sakura Melanie got herself a Food Saver!